Thursday, June 9, 2011

Those on the Margins

From Father Boyle in Tattoos on the Heart, "Our locating ourselves with those who have been endlessly excluded becomes an act of visible protest. For no amount of our screaming at the people in charge to change things can change them. The margins don't get erased by simply insisting that the powers-that-be erase them. The trickle-down theory doesn't really work here. The powers bent on waging war against the poor and the young and the "other" will only be moved to kinship when they observe it. Only when we can see a community where the outcast is valued and appreciated will we abandon the values that seek to exclude."

A wonderfully, intelligent and perceptive student sent me this yesterday.

That is where I have proudly stood for the last four years or so, with the wonderful young student athletes who have been marginalized by the basketball program, and because I refused to be silent, I am currently on the outside looking in. And HERE is the funny thing--these girls marginalized were all great basketball players who had a contribution to make to their team and to their school.

So many of the Nerinx community understand this, and I am so proud of all of you that have stood with me, and stood with those placed on the margin. I think many of you beautiful students will stand for many years with "the poor and the young and the "other" "

Today you should all stand on a chair, because I am so very proud of you all.

Your Teacher,

John Magee

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