Monday, June 6, 2011

An Explanation

I am in the interesting position of trying to stand up for myself. If this was one of my students, I would tell the student you are amazing, you are talented, and you should not hide your light under a bushel. So here goes, I was trying to think of what to call this blog, how does it go out to our world, I am so honored by those students who stood up with their thoughts, their kindnesses, and their t-shirts that I cannot think of anything better than Save Magee. I guess for all my students this is Mr. Magee's time to "stand on his chair".

11 days ago, I had on and only priority, and that was to share the amazing Biloxi service trip with students who had not yet been, and to make sure their week was full of faith, full of kinship, and full of giving. I put all other things on hold. Thanks to Sammie Too Much, Mega Millions, And Baba Laxxy we worked with many obstacles to pull that off. Thanks for working tirelessly for the new participants. Thanks also to Shooter for her dedication and loyalty, to Spridle for her joy, to Blampf for her Blampfness!!!, to the Finisher and Diablo whose kindness and friendship will always be linked together in my mind, to Allen Mathieu a great man, and to all the Kuehners (a sidenote: I wish all the 18 year old boys I know from Loyola could spend two weeks following John Kuehner around so they could learn how to be a father and a man)---you all touch my soul and encourage me to be a better man.

For those of you who were with me on Friday night, know that I cannot yet walk away from Nerinx. If it was not one story, it was 5 or 10, and so this morning my fight stays strong. How could it not, I stand on the shoulders of Angels. It was the song, and the words, and the tears--it was Sweet Dreams, and Pooh, and of course Gidget, and Streakzz, and well I think you all know that each and every one of you is in my heart.

So my goal is simple, I am going to do everything in my power (and I need your support here) to get back to Nerinx. It can be part-time, it can be as one student said, "Mr. Magee, you should be Dean of Students", it can be in a year, it can be in two years... I am a math teacher and "there is a solution to any problem". Don't anyone ever tell you different!

I think in this whole matter, some have underestimated me, and I know
FOR SURE that they estimated the courage and the strength of Nerinx students.

So here is the plan, I am working first towards a real mediation and talks with myself and the Nerinx administrators. I am thinking of a Priest, of course, but I am open to other mediation services. It would also be interesting, and so Nerinx, to include Alumni, in these sessions. I think the current situation is extremely harmful to students and reconciliation needs to begin.

To work towards this reconciliation, I am starting a Facebook event page, and encouraging all to sign up to push for this mediation. I want this "petition" to be signed by alumni, parents, and interested stakeholders only.

That means NOT you--current students, it is my counsel and my wish--that you not be on this event. So many of you have sent me nice notes and sentiments, so keep your thoughts and good words private. But alumni and parents, I need your support to make this happen.

Also, this Wednesday at 7 p.m. I will have a informational meeting and question and answer session for parents. The rumors of this situation are not helpful to anyone and cause additional problems for others. There is nothing I have ever done or said at Nerinx, that I am not willing to share at this meeting. Hiding behind walls of confidentiality lack courage and honesty. When I have good directions to this meeting I will post them on this blog.

An amazingly humble thanks to all students, parents, and alumni at Nerinx your words, your letters, your tears, and your hugs will always be remembered forever. I am truly a blessed man.

John Magee

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